Toolbox for smart PC based vending applications.

Toolbox offers a set of very simple and sophisticated tools to develop smart PC based vending applications with a minimum of development time and costs. This tools use the USB to MDB Interface of BonusData to connect any vending specific devices to a PC. Connect and run devices like vending machines, change giver, bill acceptors, card readers e.t.c. to your PC and implement your vending solutions for the future. There is no need to implement the vending machine protocols.

Design PC based applications for:

BonusData offers all you need:

Sample applications available now:

Download right here all the tools you need build your specific vending application:

Please report your experiences and needs to improve our products:

The praxis indicates clearly that most user have different views and needs on how to implement a vending application. As BonusData offers partnership for the development of smart vending applications we request you to report your experiences and needs, so we can consider your demands.

Please report your experiences, needs, commends and suggestions to BonusData. We thank you for your cooperation. 

Multi USB device applications:

The DLL is designed to allow more than just one USB to MDB Interface connected at the same time. For example to connect two or more vending machine controller (VMC) to a single PC. To make this feature available, it is necessary to use a different USB product identifiers (PID) for each device. So the MDBEngine is able to address the correct USB to MDB Interface. This PID is stored in a EEPROM of the interface. BonusData designed the tool 'SetID' to view and set the PID. Important note: Only one USB to MDB interface must be connected to use the SetID tool.

Download the SetID tool here. (175 kBytes) Including Visual C++ 6.0 source code.

MDBEngine, the universal DLL for smart vending applications.

The MDBEngine is a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) designed with Windows API calls and can be accessed with Visual C++, Visual Basic, Delphi etc. To design smart vending applications, this DLL (MDBENGINE.DLL) is used together with the USB to MDB interface (BD-4000) supplied by BonusData.

The MDBEngine DLL is free available for the integration of vending applications with the USB to MDB Interface. The source code isn't available to the public, please send a e-mail request for questions regarding the MDBEngine DLL.

Download of the MDBEngine DLL package:

Contents: Download MDBEngine DLL (120 kBytes)
MDBENGINE.DLL Universal DLL for usage by vending applications.
MDBENGINE.LIB Library file for linkage with Visual C++.
MDBENGINE.H Visual C++ include file.
MDBDEFINES.H Defines of the MDB protocol.
EXEDEFINES.H Defines of the Executive protocol.

The MDBEngine API programming reference.

Currently there is no completed document describing the usage of the MDBEngine DLL. Use the mdbengine.h file and the source code of the sample applications for more information. Also some knowledge on the MDB and Executive protocol is required.

List of tested devices:

The MDBEngine DLL has been tested with the devices listed here.

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